Written by NY Times best-selling author Steve Alten
Recommended grades: 7-12
Imagine a Great White shark 70 feet long, weighing almost 40 tons, its teeth seven inch daggers, with jaws that are large enough to swallow an elephant whole! MEG is the NY Times and international best-seller which spawned six sequels and a #1 movie starring Jason Staham. More important, it will hook even your most reluctant readers to read.
Over the last 22 years, MEG has been rewritten several times and published using different covers. Curriculum materials are provided for the out-of-print mass market paperback (Surfer cover); however as of August 2018 only the trade paperback published by A&M Publishing (movie poster cover) are being sold in stores. This newest and best version of MEG features the movie poster cover, along with 17 interior images, a prequel (MEG: Origins) and no curse words.

Book Curriculum
MEG Teacher Discounts:
Barnes & Noble offers teachers a 25% discount.
A&M Publishing offers teachers a 40%+ discount on classroom sets of 40, along with free shipping anywhere in the continental U.S. Contact Tim Schulte at A&M Publishing: 501-259-6102.
MEG Series:
Many of your students will want to continue reading the MEG series on their own.
Book 2: The TRENCH (to be a movie in 2020.)
Book 3: MEG: Primal Waters
Book 4: MEG: Hell’s Aquarium
Book 5: MEG: Nightstalkers
Book 6: MEG: Generations
Book 7: MEG: Purgatory (to be written)
MEG support materials:
Steve Alten personally answers all e-mail. To arrange a skype or in-class call via speaker phone, or simply to contact him:
Steve Alten’s email: Meg82159@aol.com
Steve Alten’s website: www.SteveAlten.com
Free monthly newsletters: Sign-up at www.SteveAlten.com